Posts with the category ‘Legislation’

Press Release: New Rainwater and Recycling Legislation Advances California’s Water Security

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Sean Bothwell, Policy Director, California Coastkeeper Alliance, , 949.291.3401 Sacramento, CA – On October 6, Governor Brown signed Senate Bill 231 (Hertzberg) and Assembly Bill… Read More…

California Just Untapped a Drought-Resilient Water Supply: Direct Potable Reuse

Governor Brown’s signing of Assembly Bill 574 (Quirk-Hayward) into law is the starting pistol for the race to the top. Following California’s drought, a quiet competition is now underway to… Read More…

California’s Untapped Climate Change Strategy

Scientists agree that climate change is the biggest global health and environment threat of the 21st century. Eighty-five percent of Californians live or work along coastal areas, where sea level… Read More…

Los Angeles Groups Press Legislators to Support Bills Protecting Area’s Water, Air and Workers from Federal Threats

Media Contacts: Bruce Reznik, Los Angeles Waterkeeper, 619-851-9997 Bill Magavern, Coalition for Clean Air, 916-527-8051 Mark! Lopez, East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice, 323-263-2113 (Los Angeles, CA)– A coalition of… Read More…

Legislative Resistance: Key Bills to Keep California Moving Forward

As we face one of the most anti-environment federal Administrations in history, California Legislators have introduced a number of bills that defend our state’s commitment to and investment in a… Read More…

Defending Clean Water and Healthy Communities in California

With a President that has signaled his intention to dismantle common sense safeguards for our environment and public health, it will fall to states like California to defend our clean… Read More…

CA Rising: Lawmakers, Advocates and Artists Working Together

by Eric Rewitzer, Co-owner, Printmaker, 3 Fish Studios I’m an artist in San Francisco, and my California Rising artwork was recently featured in a story in Time Magazine that focused on California’s… Read More…

Support SB 44 to Clean up Santa Barbara’s Leaking Oil Wells

Senate Bill 44 – the Coastal Oil Well Clean Up and Remediation Act – has passed out of the Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee and is now up for… Read More…

Ocean Advocates Convene at the Capitol

Last week, CCKA teamed up with environmental and labor groups from throughout the state to rally support in Sacramento for critical oceans and coastal reforms. For more than a decade,… Read More…

Clean Water Accomplishments

California Coastkeeper Alliance was founded in 1999 with the belief that a healthy ocean and coast and clean water is vital to California’s economy, public health and way of life…. Read More…
