This month marks the 50th anniversary of the Clean Water Act, landmark legislation with a lofty goal to “restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Nation’s… Read More…
This month marks the 50th anniversary of the Clean Water Act, landmark legislation with a lofty goal to “restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Nation’s… Read More…
In California, grazing is a clean water nightmare. Poorly managed cattle operations damage vegetation along waterfronts, destabilizing riverbanks and increasing the amount of sediment in the water. Even worse, cow… Read More…
There’s no doubt that 2021 was another challenging year for society, but we have also made progress toward a brighter future. The same sentiment holds true for the environmental movement…. Read More…
Written by Isabel Klein, undergraduate intern from University of Southern California Environmental Studies Program It should come as no surprise that insecticides were designed to kill insects. Neonicotinoids, whose chemical… Read More…
The State Water Board has accepted our request to review the rules regulating pollution from irrigated agriculture on the Central Coast. The Central Coast is home to approximately 540,000 acres… Read More…
What exactly is a ‘CAFO’? CAFO stands for ‘concentrated animal feeding operations’ that house hundreds, sometimes thousands, of livestock in a single location. Unfortunately, livestock produces manure or other waste… Read More…
Irrigated agriculture is the nation’s number one source of pollution to rivers, streams, and groundwater supplies. Despite this fact, the agricultural industry is exempt from the Federal Clean Water Act…. Read More…
Scientists and environmentalists have long raised red flags about the dangers of harmful algal blooms (HABs), which shut down beaches, harm our pets, and kill aquatic life. New research shows… Read More…
As a parent and person committed to working in the public interest, what keeps me up at night (along with a teething toddler) is thinking about how environmental burdens associated with… Read More…
The State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) adopted its first statewide rules to manage waste from winemaking and protect California’s rivers and groundwater. In California, there are approximately… Read More…