My summers growing up in Orange County were spent at the beach and in the waves. The summer I turned 16, my friends and I spent every day at the… Read More…
My summers growing up in Orange County were spent at the beach and in the waves. The summer I turned 16, my friends and I spent every day at the… Read More…
I grew up in Orange County constantly reminded that Southern California was an arid region that must conserve water. I was haunted by Orange County’s water conservation mascot: Ricky the… Read More…
Photo: Shannon Switzer California considers itself a national leader in environment protection. We certainly have the strongest environmental laws on the books, but are our clean water policies actually resulting… Read More…
This year has presented many challenges – for our organization, our staff, and our society. Despite this, California Coastkeeper Alliance has made real progress toward swimmable, fishable, and drinkable waters… Read More…
California Coastkeeper Alliance has released its Strategic Plan containing 57 recommendations that the California Legislature, Governor, and the State and Regional Water Boards can take to improve the overall governance… Read More…
Enforcement of California’s foundational environmental laws is a cornerstone to ensure compliance with the laws and regulations aimed at securing access to swimmable, drinkable and fishable waterways for all Californians…. Read More…
Sick of 2020 yet? We have just the thing to cheer you up: Sea Otter Week! Did you know the sea otter is the smallest marine mammal in North America?… Read More…
Underwater parks, also called Marine Protected Areas, boost the numbers, size, and diversity of plants and animals living within their protected boundaries. They help safeguard critical ocean habitats and help… Read More…
In the Bay Area alone, seven trillion tiny pieces of plastic – equivalent to about a million pieces each for every man, woman, and child in the Bay Area –… Read More…
In this moment of crisis, we are all understandably concerned for our own loved ones. But we cannot turn our backs on those Californians that for decades have been underserved… Read More…