Posts with the category ‘Sea Level Rise’

Legislative Resistance: Key Bills to Keep California Moving Forward

As we face one of the most anti-environment federal Administrations in history, California Legislators have introduced a number of bills that defend our state’s commitment to and investment in a… Read More…

Clean Water Accomplishments

California Coastkeeper Alliance was founded in 1999 with the belief that a healthy ocean and coast and clean water is vital to California’s economy, public health and way of life…. Read More…

King Tides Illustrate Shoreline Vulnerability

Some of the year’s highest tides, known as ‘king tides,’ will hit the California shoreline next week, providing a glimpse of what the state can expect as sea levels rise… Read More…

Work for Your Water This Weekend

Water works for you every day. This weekend, it’s your turn to return the favor.  On Saturday, thousands of Californians will show their local beaches some love on Coastal Cleanup… Read More…

Humboldt Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment of Contaminated Sites

How we will prepare for rising sea levels is just beginning to take shape here in the Humboldt Bay region. Humboldt Baykeeper assessed sea level rise vulnerability for contaminated sites… Read More…

San Diego Coastkeeper Releases Time-Lapse Video Showing How Wetlands Naturally Buffer King Tides

King tides, some of the highest tides of the year, hit San Diego this week, and the area’s wetlands will soak those rising tides like a sponge. Today, San Diego… Read More…
