As California gets hit with its second atmospheric river in a week, California Coastkeeper Alliance is reflecting on how the state can better prepare for wild swings between drought and… Read More…
As California gets hit with its second atmospheric river in a week, California Coastkeeper Alliance is reflecting on how the state can better prepare for wild swings between drought and… Read More…
California Coastkeeper Alliance accomplished a lot for clean water in 2022 – successfully wrapping up years-long projects like the fight against a harmful desalination plant on the Orange County coast,… Read More…
This week California Coastkeeper Alliance appealed the Santa Ana Regional Water Board’s decision to permit the Poseidon Ocean Desalination facility in Huntington Beach. Poseidon has been attempting to permit Poseidon-Huntington… Read More…
I grew up in Orange County constantly reminded that Southern California was an arid region that must conserve water. I was haunted by Orange County’s water conservation mascot: Ricky the… Read More…
“I think staff in the draft permit lose sight of that,” said Sean Bothwell, executive director of the California Coast Keeper [sic] Alliance. “That [minimizing marine life mortality] is the… Read More…
“They are using the lowest protection under the law,” said Sean Bothwell, executive director of California Coast Keeper [sic] Alliance. “They are still using the same pipe, the same cite… Read More…
Photo: Shannon Switzer It can be tempting to focus only on the big picture. Eliminating single-use plastic. Sequestering carbon. Preventing sea level rise. But at California Coastkeeper Alliance, we know… Read More…
Photo: Mark Boster / Los Angeles Times Written by Caroline Seche, CCKA Semester in Practice Extern from Vermont Law School During California’s recent drought, communities turned to desalinated ocean water… Read More…
“The regional board gave Poseidon everything they asked for,” said Sean Bothwell, executive director of California Coastkeeper Alliance, one of several environmental groups that have long fought the project. “If… Read More…
“If California is serious about making desalination part of its water strategy, it has to untangle a review process that includes the local water board, State Lands Commission, California Coastal… Read More…