Posts with the category ‘Coastal Water Quality’

A Glimmer of Hope from California During Dark Days

The 2016 election results are cause for serious concern about our planet’s future. Our President-elect has pledged to weaken climate change regulations and to ignore President Obama’s commitments under the… Read More…

Work for Your Water This Weekend

Water works for you every day. This weekend, it’s your turn to return the favor.  On Saturday, thousands of Californians will show their local beaches some love on Coastal Cleanup… Read More…

Coming to a Beach Near You: Coastal Cleanup Day

Join us this Saturday at one of over 900 locations for the state’s largest volunteer event, Coastal Cleanup Day. In 2015, more than 68,000 volunteers removed nearly 1,143,000 pounds of trash and recyclables… Read More…

Santa Barbara Channelkeeper Seafari Marine Education Tours

Science shows that getting outside – and on the water – makes us happier and smarter. In an era when more and more youth are growing up inside and plugged-in,… Read More…

Building Connections to Humboldt Bay

Humboldt Baykeeper offers fun informative excursions to help kids and teenagers see first-hand the waves and wildlife that make their community so special. Volunteer docents trained in ecology and history help build… Read More…

Russian River Headwaters to Ocean Paddle

This summer, a diverse group of stakeholders from Sonoma and Mendocino counties launched their boats to kick-off a year-long effort to create a new vision to improve the health of the Russian… Read More…

EcoNews Report: Humboldt Baykeeper Co-Founder Fred Evenson on Mercury, Fish, and Monterey

Humboldt Baykeeper Jennifer Kalt recently interviewed Fred Evenson, Director of Ecological Rights Foundation, about mercury in fish in Monterey Bay. The EcoNews Report is the longest-running public affairs radio show… Read More…

Why We Can’t Stop Talking About Seahorses

Earlier this month, The California Department of Fish and Wildlife discovered a rare seahorse near an eelgrass restoration site in Upper Newport Bay. That’s pretty much the equivalent of spotting… Read More…

City of San Jose and Baykeeper Reach Agreement to Reduce Pollution in SF Bay

Today, San Francisco Baykeeper and the City of San José announced a legal agreement to make the Bay Area’s largest city a greener one. As part of the agreement, San… Read More…

Does San Diego have Aquaculture?

San Diego has aquaculture projects of various sizes and purposes in San Diego County. Each is a different form of aquaculture–which means they are in the business of fish production…. Read More…
