Posts with the category ‘Legislation’

Governor Newsom: It’s Time to Take the Gloves Off in California’s Fight Against Trump

Art by Eric Rewitzer When Trump took office, California promised a wall of resistance against his Administration and federal rollbacks of keystone laws that protect our health and environment. Gavin… Read More…

SB 1 Coalition Responds to Governor Newsom’s Announcement

Natural Resources Defense Council * Defenders of Wildlife Sierra Club California * Golden Gate Salmon Association California Coastkeeper Alliance * Audubon California The Nature Conservancy * The Bay Institute *… Read More…

Senate President pro Tempore Atkins Releases Legislative Amendments to Address Concerns and Strengthen California’s Response to Federal Environmental, Public Health and Labor Rollbacks

For More Information: Kari Birdseye, , 415-875-8243Gwen Dobbs, , 202-772-0269Kathryn Phillips, , 916-893-8494Sean Bothwell, , 949-291-3401John McManus, , 855-251-4472Mike Lynes, , 916-737-5707 ext. 102Melissa Romero, , 916-223-5894 Yesterday, Senate President… Read More…

Oppose: Unnecessary Clean Water Act Permit Extensions

Wastewater infrastructure needs serious attention and overhaul throughout California. Our waterways and communities are plagued with millions of gallons of raw, untreated sewage that are dumped into California waterways each… Read More…

Senate Passes Senator Wiener’s Ocean Resiliency Act of 2019, to Improve and Protect the Health of California’s Ocean Ecosystems and Coastal Communities

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: Victor Ruiz-Cornejo, , 415.604.6817 Sacramento–  Today, Senator Scott Wiener’s (D-San Francisco) Senate Bill 69, the Ocean Resiliency Act of 2019, which aims to improve and protect the health of the… Read More…

Senator Wiener Announces the Ocean Resiliency Act of 2019, to Improve and Protect the Health of California’s Ocean Ecosystems and Coastal Communities

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Victor Ruiz-Cornejo, , 415.604.6817  Sacramento–  Today, Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) announced Senate Bill 69, the Ocean Resiliency Act of 2019, which aims to improve and… Read More…

A Look at 2019: California’s New Governor and Legislative Priorities

Looking back, we at the California Coastkeeper Alliance (CCKA) are thrilled with our accomplishments in 2018. California is making progress on clean water and healthy rivers, despite a hostile federal… Read More…

CCKA’s 2018 Accomplishments

2018 was a year of successful policy-making for California and our organization, even in the face of an onslaught of anti-environment, pro-industry policy changes, cabinet appointments, and rhetoric from the… Read More…

California Legislature Sends Strong Message in 2018

The summer heat is waning, school is back in session, and the California legislative session has come to a close. Over the course of the summer, California Coastkeeper Alliance (CCKA)… Read More…

A Call to #CALeg Action on Water in 2018

Our state has led the resistance in many respects. Faced with a wholesale dismantling of the civil rights and environmental laws and policies, California leaders at all levels of government… Read More…
