Climate change threatens 85% of Californians and the state’s $45 billion ocean economy FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Natalie Caulk, , 916-693-1002 November 13, 2019 (Sacramento, CA) – How can we… Read More…
Climate change threatens 85% of Californians and the state’s $45 billion ocean economy FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Natalie Caulk, , 916-693-1002 November 13, 2019 (Sacramento, CA) – How can we… Read More…
On California’s coast, the sea level is projected to rise by more than a foot over the next 40 years. Ocean acidification and hypoxia have enormous impacts on the health… Read More…
Distribution, storage, infrastructure and more – all of these expensive factors remain hidden from the true cost of the proposed Poseidon Huntington Beach Desalination Plant. Knowing that Orange County residents… Read More…
Culver City residents and other engaged community members convened at the Veterans Memorial Building on May 17 for an enlightening community discussion on the future of LA’s most precious resource:… Read More…
California Coastkeeper Alliance was founded in 1999 with the belief that a healthy ocean and coast and clean water is vital to California’s economy, public health and way of life…. Read More…
CCKA successfully advocated for the nation’s first statewide regulations to lessen the damaging impacts of ocean desalination to marine ecosystems. Since the desalination policy went into effect January 2016, CCKA has been focused on… Read More…
California is at a crossroads. As we plan for a drier future, California must decide where to invest limited resources. For the past 15 years, many have looked at ocean… Read More…
ORANGE COUNTY – June 9, 2016 —Three groups announced today their appeal of the Santa Ana Regional Water Board’s denial to reopen Poseidon Water’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)… Read More…