This month, the LA Times ran an in-depth and distrubing expose: “Something is killing grey whales. Is it a sign of oceans in peril?” The piece documents an alarming trend… Read More…
This month, the LA Times ran an in-depth and distrubing expose: “Something is killing grey whales. Is it a sign of oceans in peril?” The piece documents an alarming trend… Read More…
Governor Newsom recently expanded his April 21 drought emergency proclamation to 41 California counties – including the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, Tulare Lake watershed, and Klamath River. In total, 30 percent… Read More…
Photo: Dave Hart California is home to an iconic coastline, sprawling beaches, and unique places that attract people and wildlife alike. Surfers brave California’s waves and divers witness the magnificent… Read More…
While the COVID-19 pandemic and economic crisis has properly been the focus of the California Legislature over the past nine months, there are many statewide challenges on the horizon. One… Read More…
Photo: Bob Wick, Bureau of Land Management California’s waterways play a key role in the health of California’s varied ecosystems and communities. California’s interconnected rivers and streams, however, are threatened… Read More…
The COVID-19 pandemic has made many of us hunker down and shelter in place these past few months, inspiring a number of new, self-sustaining hobbies such as cooking, baking sourdough… Read More…
Underwater parks, also called Marine Protected Areas, boost the numbers, size, and diversity of plants and animals living within their protected boundaries. They help safeguard critical ocean habitats and help… Read More…
“Our communities are behind in developing and enacting adaptation plans that correspond with current sea level rise projections,” said Sean Bothwell, executive director of the California Coastkeeper Alliance. “Sea level… Read More…
Photo: Shannon Switzer It can be tempting to focus only on the big picture. Eliminating single-use plastic. Sequestering carbon. Preventing sea level rise. But at California Coastkeeper Alliance, we know… Read More…
Photo: Florian Graner Kelp forests are an iconic part of California’s coastline. Lush canopies float along nearshore waters up and down the state, hinting at the diversity of marine life… Read More…