For over 20 years, researchers in the Puget Sound area have seen a connection between stormwater running off highways and salmon deaths. Previously known as the “coho mortality phenomenon” or… Read More…
For over 20 years, researchers in the Puget Sound area have seen a connection between stormwater running off highways and salmon deaths. Previously known as the “coho mortality phenomenon” or… Read More…
Following a successful enforcement action by California Coastkeeper Alliance, Sacramento County is now required to repair its outdated sewage system, which has caused multiple sewage overflows over recent years. Sewer… Read More…
Fifty years ago, the federal government passed the Clean Water Act to clean up the nation’s rivers, lakes, and oceans, many of which were polluted to dangerous levels. The State… Read More…
January is traditionally a time to set goals for the upcoming year – and California Coastkeeper Alliance has big plans for 2023! We made significant achievements in 2022, meaning it… Read More…
As California gets hit with its second atmospheric river in a week, California Coastkeeper Alliance is reflecting on how the state can better prepare for wild swings between drought and… Read More…
California is getting hit with its second atmospheric river in a week, and California Coastkeeper Alliance is reflecting on how the state can better prepare for wild swings between drought… Read More…
California is starting off the new year with a bang, as an atmospheric river pummels the state with flooding rains, damaging winds, and significant mountain snowfall. After years of intense… Read More…
California Coastkeeper Alliance accomplished a lot for clean water in 2022 – successfully wrapping up years-long projects like the fight against a harmful desalination plant on the Orange County coast,… Read More…
This month marks the 50th anniversary of the Clean Water Act, landmark legislation with a lofty goal to “restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Nation’s… Read More…
Contact: Jeff Odefey, American Rivers, 415.589.0642, Becky Hammer, Natural Resources Defense Council, 202.513.6254, Bruce Reznik, Los Angeles Waterkeeper, (619) 851-9997, Sean Bothwell, California Coastkeeper Alliance 949-291-3401, sbothwell@alanawebre LOS… Read More…