You can help save the Ventura River by signing the petition to #ResurrectTheRiver. Sign today to show that you agree that State and local officials should prioritize sustainable water management alternatives to support both people and the Ventura River.
The City of Ventura pumps hundreds of millions of gallons of water from the Ventura River each year, often completely dewatering parts of the river during times of scarcity and causing harm to habitat, endangered species, water quality, and recreation. The State Water Board has officially designated the Ventura River as impaired by excessive pumping and diversions, and it has a constitutional duty to prevent the unreasonable use of the state’s waters, which include the Ventura River. Despite this, the City continues to pump, and the State Water Board has done nothing to address it, putting the health of the river and all its uses in serious jeopardy.
Santa Barbara Channelkeeper is doing its part to protect the river by using legal action to compel the State Water Board to scientifically analyze the City of Ventura’s use of the river, something it has not done in more than 100 years. The State Water Board must take steps necessary to protect the needs of people and the environment. Investing in stormwater capture, water recycling and water conservation can meet the needs of the community and save the Ventura River.

Communications Consultant Lola Dvorak supports CCKA’s strategic communications by helping waterkeepers tell their stories.