ORANGE COUNTY – June 9, 2016 —Three groups announced today their appeal of the Santa Ana Regional Water Board’s denial to reopen Poseidon Water’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The appeal brings the matter to the attention of the California State Water Resources Control Board and aims to ensure the NPDES permit meets current state law designed to promote sustainable desalination practices and protect the health of California’s coastal waters.
“Poseidon’s project as currently proposed would perpetuate the use of an antiquated technology banned in California because of its harm to marine life and coastal areas,” says Sean Bothwell, Policy Director for the California Coastkeeper Alliance. “The proposed Huntington Beach plant does not meet the terms of the new statewide policy and, if built as proposed, would pave the way for poorly planned desalination projects in California.”
Read more from Orange County Coastkeeper.

Communications Consultant Lola Dvorak supports CCKA’s strategic communications by helping waterkeepers tell their stories.