Data Collected from Coastal Cleanup Day will support policies to reduce trash in California’s waters
Media Contact: Sean Bothwell, California Coastkeeper Alliance (cell: 949-291-3401)
California Coastkeeper Alliance
This Saturday, September 15, 2012, California Coastkeeper Alliance (CCKA) and nine of its local Waterkeeper member organizations will deliver thousands of volunteers to embark on a massive fall cleaning of the state’s coastline. As part of the global Coastal Cleanup Day, Waterkeeper groups’ volunteers will track every piece of trash they remove and add that information to a comprehensive data set on the type and amounts of debris polluting the state’s waters.
“This massive cleaning of our state’s beaches helps residents and decision-makers see first-hand how trash pollutes our waters and powers the local movement to reduce trash at the source,” said CCKA’s Staff Attorney Sean Bothwell. “Around 100 California jurisdictions have adopted or are considering a single-use bag ban, and 63 jurisdictions have banned foam take-out food packaging.”
Currently, CCKA utilizes beach cleanup data in its work to ensure that the state’s stormwater permits will reduce the flow of trash to waterways by requiring structural controls that ensure trash will not enter California rivers, creeks, bays and coastal areas. CCKA also used the data in this year’s legislative session, during which lawmakers and conservation groups tried to ban plastic bags (AB 298) and polystyrene food packaging (SB 568). While the business community, environmental community, and local governments supported both bills, special interest groups eventually defeated them in the last hour of the session.
Powerful partnerships with sustainably minded businesses like Teva provide financial support to keep cleanups and trash policy at the forefront of social issues. Through its A Pair For A Foot program, Teva will help protect a linear foot of global waterways for every pair of shoes sold, targeting 4.4 million feet worldwide in 2012. “Not only is water a source of life, but also a source of recreation for our larger Teva community,” says Will Pennartz, Teva Lifestyle Marketing Manager. “We’re proud to support California Coastal Clean-up Day and CCKA’s mission to protect and preserve California’s beaches and coastlines for generations to come.”
Teva’s new relationship with the international Waterkeeper Alliance, to which CCKA and its member organizations belong, will help fund cleanups for nine California-based groups. Those cleanups will take place throughout California, on both inland and coastal waterways, led by Humboldt Baykeeper, Russian Riverkeeper, San Francisco Baykeeper, San Luis Obispo Coastkeeper, Santa Barbara Channelkeeper, Ventura Coastkeeper, Los Angeles Waterkeeper, Orange County Coastkeeper, and San Diego Coastkeeper.
Coastal Cleanup Day in 2011 welcomed more than 71,000 volunteers, who removed more than 1,300,000 pounds of trash from California beaches, streams, and rivers. Organizers expect a similar turnout and results this year.
California Coastkeeper Alliance uses law, policy and science to support the work of California’s 12 Waterkeeper organizations and works to ensure that Californians enjoy clean water and a healthy coast.
Waterkeeper Alliance is a global movement of on-the-water advocates who patrol and protect over 100,000 miles of rivers, streams and coastlines in North and South America, Europe, Australia, Asia and Africa.

Communications Consultant Lola Dvorak supports CCKA’s strategic communications by helping waterkeepers tell their stories.