Author Archive

Keeping the Salmon Runs Running

Hunting and habitat loss drove California grizzly bears to extinction, and today, these animals exist only on our state flag. Their history provides a stark reminder of how much California’s… Read More…

One Small Step for Fish

The lifespan of a coho salmon is about 3-4 years. Coincidentally, the State Water Board estimates it will take about the life cycle of a coho salmon to adopt regulations… Read More…

The Clean Water Act is on the Chopping Block, Again

This week, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in San Francisco v. EPA. California Coastkeeper Alliance has been watching the case closely because the Court’s decision will have major implications… Read More…

Governor Newsom Signs CCKA Legislation into Law

On September 22nd, Governor Newsom signed Assembly Bill 1827 into law. This bill, authored by Assemblymember Diane Papan, continues CCKA’s work of fighting for affordable and equitable water. When you… Read More…

Water Rights and Wrongs

To some, if you are rich enough, a parking ticket is just the price to park. Fines may act as a disincentive for some people, but for others, paying a… Read More…

The Importance of Counting Critters

Since the inception of the Clean Water Act over fifty years ago, California has tried to keep our waterways healthy through a pollutant-by-pollutant approach. The idea being that, if we… Read More…

Making Waiting for Conservation a California Way of Life

Over the next fifteen years, expect to see a massive change in how urban Californians use water. Green lawns will be replaced with native plants, inefficient appliances will be replaced… Read More…

CCKA’s 2024 Legislative Priorities

This legislative year is about building on our success from last year. CCKA introduced two new bills this year with Assemblymember Diane Papan, the new Chair of the Assembly Water… Read More…

Fighting for Flows in the Shasta Watershed

On January 17, California Coastkeeper Alliance submitted a petition to the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) to establish permanent instream flow regulations in the Shasta Watershed. Instream… Read More…

CCKA’s 2023 Legislative Wrap-Up

This legislative year was a big one. It began with uncertainty as thirty-four freshman legislators entered the halls of the Capitol alongside an agreement to change the Speaker of the… Read More…
